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  1. Ubuntu-Tn LoCo Pack


    During the last years we had problems getting our LoCo Pack.. As far as I remember the LoCo Pack is used to be a mixture of Ubuntu Desktop, Server and Kubuntu CDs, and sometimes with some perks from Canonical..

    And to not break the cycle, we had a problem …

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  2. Certificate of Ubuntu Membership

    Today I get my Certificate of Ubuntu Membership, it comes in a package that contains the Certificate, an Ubuntu 14.04 CD and a flyer saying W MISTAKENLY PROMISED YOU 18 MOTHS OF SUPPORT. WE ACTUALLY GIVING YOU **FIVE YEARS*.*


    Getting the certificate i a really a good way to …

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  3. Check Email Validation


    Today am sharing with you a Python script that can helps you verify if an email address is valid or not.. The script reads the email address from a text file, so you can make the script check as many emails as your file contain..

    For now the text …

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