The Official Ubuntu Book for Approved LoCos


I know that this is an old story, but I should share it on my blog any way.. As they say "Better late than never"

I am sharing with you my emails with Ubuntu-tn LoCo Team about The Official Ubuntu Book.. The conversation can be found in our LoCo Team ML archive

Hello! .. raw:: html

As you know (or maybe not) approved LoCos Teams can ask for the new version of `The Official Ubuntu Book `__ and get a paper version for free. .. raw:: html

And for LoCos outside North America can have a digital version of the book until the person in charge can figure out a way to ship it to the LoCo Team contact. .. raw:: html

I already asked to have the book (as we are an approved LoCo Team). .. raw:: html

I received **two** (2) codes to download the book, as it is a commercial book this means that only two persons can use those codes and they **can't** share the book with someone else. .. raw:: html

Meanwhile I'm trying to help the person in charge to find a way to send us the paper version. .. raw:: html

**As the two codes are for personal use only and can't share them with everyone I suggest that we use them as gift or prizes during an event, SFD maybe!** .. raw:: html

We already have the old version of the book (the former LoCo contact announced that when he got it), I suggest that we use the old version and the new version (if will get it) as prizes too.. What are you thinking about that?

And a month later, I got the paper version..

Hello @All! .. raw:: html

Today I received the paper version of Official Ubuntu Book. .. raw:: html

And guess what!? .. raw:: html

They sent two copies, not just one :D .. raw:: html

On behalf of our LoCo Team I thank you very much Mrs. Heather Fox for your help, and thank you Pearson :) :D


